Canvia (and CanviaK) SETUP & SUPPORT
Using the Canvia web account
Select from the below instructions for controlling Canvia via your web account. You can also control Canvia via the mobile app or desktop app.
For a video tutorial of how to use your Canvia web account, click here.
Log in, sign up or password reset

You can access your Canvia web account here.
Enter your username and password.
If you want to sign up for an account, click on the 'Don't have an account?' link.
If you've forgotten your password, click on the 'Forgot password?' link.
Web account overview

Your Canvia web account has four main sections, accessed via the menu at the top of the page:
Browse enables you to browse through the entire Canvia library.
My Collection is where you can store favorite playlists, create custom playlists and upload your own images.
Channels contains art channels, which bring together playlists, artists and artworks from partners such as museums and publishers.
Search enables you to search through the entire Canvia library.
Click on your account name in the top right corner to access the Account menu.
At the bottom of the page is the Canvia player, which you can use to control what is playing, change device settings and schedule content.
The Canvia player: controlling my device from the web
The Canvia player enables you to control your device directly via your web account.
It is located at the bottom of the page (see diagram). If not visible, click on the player icon next to your username in the top right corner.

The Canvia player comprises the following:

Device status: this indicates whether your Canvia device is online, i.e. connected to the Wi-Fi network assigned during registration. If your device appears as 'offline', please check that it is powered on and is not in AP mode. See Troubleshooting for more details.
If Canvia is online and is displaying an artwork, the artwork title will appear.
Queue: this button opens/closes your device queue.

The queue lists all of the artworks that have been added for display, either individually or as part of a playlist.
Click on any artwork in the queue list to play it immediately.
To delete any artwork, click on the trash can icon to its right. To clear the entire queue, click on the trash can icon at the top right of the queue list.
Previous/Next artwork & Play/Pause: use these controllers to move back (Previous) or forward (Next) in your queue, and start (Play) or stop (Pause) if you have defined a duration per artwork (see 'Playback Duration' in Device Settings below).
Select device: if you have more than one Canvia associated with your account, you can select which device to control here.
Content schedule: this opens a page that displays all scheduled content (playlists and artworks). Scheduled content is divided into Specific Dates and recurring Days.

Expand/collapse each date or day by clicking on the corresponding header. To delete a scheduled playlist or artwork, hover over the thumbnail and click on the red trash can icon.
If you have more than one device, select a device at the top of the page.
Sleep/Awake: this opens a page that allows you to schedule times for your device to switch off (Sleep) or on (Awake).

To add a Sleep or Wake event, click on the 'Add Sleep/Wake Event' buttons on the right. Select your device, enter a time (HH:MM), select AM or PM and then frequency from: Everyday, Every weekday (Mon-Fri), On specific days of the week or On a specific date.
Hover over any scheduled event to Edit or Delete.
Settings: this opens a popup that allows you to configure settings for your device and content. The settings comprise of:

Select Device: if you have more than one Canvia, select the device you'd like to configure.
Playback Duration: this value determines how long each queued artwork is displayed before Canvia automatically advances to the next. First select the unit of time and then use the slider to define the value.
Brightness: toggle between automatic and manual brightness adjustment. If you select manual, use the slider below to increase or decrease the brightness.
Orientation: toggle between horizontal (landscape) and vertical (portrait) orientations.
Time Zone: select your time zone to ensure scheduled content and events appear when expected.
Display Mode: 'Normal' mode displays the artworks at their original aspect ratio; 'Pan & scan' mode scales and centers the artworks to fill the Canvia screen.
Text Overlay: toggle between None, Partial and Full captions appearing for displayed artworks
ArtSense/Equilibrium: if 'Manual' brightness adjustment has been selected, use the sliders here to adjust Canvia's display
Browsing the Canvia library
The Browse page is divided into Playlists, Artworks and Artists.
Hover your cursor over any Playlist, Artwork or Artist to reveal a description and available actions (these appear beneath the thumbnail).

Playlist actions
Play: this plays the playlist immediately (i.e. it is added in front of any queued items)
Add to My Collection: this adds the playlist to your Favorite Playlists list in My Collection
Queue: this adds the item to the end of your queue
Schedule: this allows you to schedule a specific time, day or date for the playlist to play

Artwork actions
View: this opens a popup with more details about the artwork
Play: this plays the artwork immediately (i.e. it is added in front of any queued items)
Add to a Playlist: this adds the artwork to a new or existing Personal Playlist. Note: There is a limit of 50 artworks per playlist. You may not see consistent behavior if you add more than 50 artworks per playlist.
Queue: this adds the item to the end of your queue
Schedule: this allows you to schedule a specific time, day or date for the artwork to play

Artist actions
View: this opens a popup with more details about the artist
Add to My Collection: this adds the artist to your Favorite Artists list in My Collection
View artworks: this opens a page with all artworks associated with the artist
Add all artworks to a playlist: this allows you to add all of the artist's artworks to a new or existing playlist. Note: There is a limit of 50 artworks per playlist. You may not see consistent behavior if you add more than 50 artworks per playlist.
To browse the entire collection, click on the All Playlists, All Artworks or All Artists buttons. On the subsequent screens, use filters above the thumbnails to focus your search.

My Collection
My Collection is where you can save favorite playlists and artists, create custom playlists and upload your own images. The page is divided into four sections: Personal Playlists, Favorite Playlists, Favorite Artists and My Uploads.
Personal Playlists - hover over any thumbnail to Play, Queue or Schedule your playlist.

Click on the '# of artworks' link to manage your playlist:

To edit the name of your playlist or delete it entirely, click on the three dots menu icon to the right of the playlist name and select Edit or Delete. You can also Play or Queue the playlist from this menu.
Hover over any artwork within the playlist for additional options: click on the red delete button to remove the artwork or drag and drop to rearrange the order.
Favorite Playlists - hover over the thumbnail to Play, Remove from My Collection, Queue, Edit or Schedule.

If you select Edit, a copy of the playlist will be made and added to your Personal Playlists. You can then rename, add/remove artworks or re-arrange the order, as per the section above.
Favorite Artists - hover over the thumbnail to View details about the artist, Remove from My Collection, View all associated artworks or Add all artworks to a new or existing playlist.

My Uploads - hover over the thumbnail to View details, Delete, Play (immediately), Add to a playlist, Queue or Schedule, just like any other artwork.

To upload a new image, click on the 'New Upload' button on the top right.
To view all of your uploaded images, click on the 'View All' link on the bottom right.
The Channels page will contain art channels, which bring together playlists, artists and artworks from our partners.
This page is a work in progress and will be updated soon.

Use the Search function to search for artists, artworks, themes or specific keywords. Results are displayed as related Playlists, Artworks and Artists.

My account
This page is a work in progress and will be updated soon.
Please note that some Canvia features might change over time and we will be updating setup instructions and tutorials accordingly.